The Romantic Hydrangea

The Tale of the Great Wild Ride Our Hydrangeas Took

We give the plants in our yard three simple rules to follow, and one option. They should not die. They should make every effort to grow. They should do their best to look healthy and attractive—most of the time. The one option they have is to bloom. If they choose not to take that option, they do so at their own peril.

As it happens, our hydrangeas seem to accept and follow these rules with a

Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle,’ one of our beautiful natives

minimum of rebellion. That is why we grow them. And we admit it, we love the romance of these big, beautiful, blousy blooms. We grow all kinds of hydrangeas. Some of them are pictured here. Each one has its particular charms, and each has its particular preferences.

We never understood until it was too late that we had the perfect conditions for growing hydrangeas. Generally speaking, hydrangeas are woodland plants. They grow best in dappled shade, rich, humusy soil that holds moisture, with a welcome gift of mulch from the forest each fall.

Hydrangea paniculata ‘Pink Diamond’ blossom reaching for the sky

Well, they were missing the good-soil part in our yard, except for those happy few planted in the remains of an old compost pile. But we worked hard to please the rest. We mixed good potting soil in with the slabs of clay and we planted them in wide but shallow  mounds to facilitate drainage. The less fortunate who found themselves in second-class soil seemed most grateful for this first-class treatment.

Even the sticks I bought one mid-November grew and bloomed the following spring. That’s the way hydrangeas look in winter, I said to Bob, when he asked me why I bought dead plants. (They really were sub-par plants but I wouldn’t admit that. Mislabeled, too, but I wouldn’t figure that out for a couple of years. They seemed like a good deal at the time.)

Anyway, we were proud of our hydrangeas.

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Pia’ maintains its color over the years and is about three feet at maturity

Pride goeth before a fall.

What fell were the trees that shaded those first hydrangeas, more than a hundred during Hurricane Isabel.

No more shade. Soggy boggy suck-a-muck soil because tree roots were no longer taking excess water up. Our perfect conditions for growing hydrangeas had sunk in mud during one wild day.

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Mariesii,’ a lacecap, was one of our first, a strong grower and still with us

We didn’t know these consequences at the time. At first the plants seemed pretty perky, considering the roughhousing they had taken. It took some regrettable losses before we figured out what was going wrong. Then time and muscle-power to lift and pot about three dozen large plants. Then more time for the plants to recover while we tried to find halfway suitable places for them.

It took even longer for the plants to adapt to their new locations, many of which

A grouping of Hydrangea serrata ‘Grayswood’ brightens our front path

had too much afternoon sun, too little moisture, too much moisture, competition from trees, and poor soil. Our tough-love rules still applied, but we lavished patient TLC on them: regular pruning, mulching, fertilizing, and watering. As the soil improved and they settled in—it took five or six years–they came around. There are some recalcitrants still hanging on because our bark is louder than our bite, but today, most of them give us quite a show.

Hydrangea quercifolia ‘Alice’ is native to the southeast, also known as oak leaf hydrangea

Our discussion of hydrangeas is a work in progress. As we go along, we’ll talk about the varieties of hydrangeas we have in our garden, how we care for them, how to pick and dry blooms, and what companion plants we use. We even spoof Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in our quest to learn more about hydrangeas.

Above all, our hydrangeas are a source of pleasure for us and, yes, a bit of romance, as you can see by the photos below

Our original hydrangea bed, with spirea, hosta and annuals

Our original hydrangea bed, with spirea, hosta, ferns and iris

How romantic is that!

How romantic is that!

Our hydrangea garden today, most of it transplanted from sites that became too sunny after Hurricane Isabel took down trees

Our hydrangea garden today, most of it transplanted from sites that became too sunny after Hurricane Isabel took down trees

Links to other entries in this series:

Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’

Hydrangea paniculata

Oak Leaf Hydrangea

The Hydrangea that Climbs

Why don’t my Hydrangeas Bloom I

Why don’t my Hydrangeas Bloom II

Why don’t my Hydrangeas Bloom III

Putting the Blue in your Hydrangea Blooms

Drying Hydrangeas

2 Responses to The Romantic Hydrangea

  1. Hello, I enjoyed reading through your post. I wanted to write a little comment to support you.|

  2. Nori says:

    Your garden is beautiful. I would love to have one like that.

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